Since 1995, the Workshop on Molecular Aspects of Myeloid Stem Cell Development and Leukemia has offered a highly successful presentation series from approximately 40-50 renowned national and international researchers and clinicians.
The goal of these biennial workshops is to bring together investigators with expertise in complementary aspects of stem cell biology and myelopoiesis – from normal myelopoiesis to myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative syndromes. Basic researchers and clinician investigators from both sides of the Atlantic, Australia, and Japan come together biennially to discuss their latest findings in a close and informal setting. The workshop brings together scientists with expertise in normal and abnormal hematopoiesis and clinicians who treat leukemia/MDS/MPD patients and also have active research programs in these diseases.
Participants achieve a better understanding of critical steps/factors that regulate hematopoiesis, their impact on leukemogenesis, and their potential relevance in clinical settings. Although there are other workshops and meetings dedicated to understanding the regulation of hematopoiesis or clinical advances in leukemia, this workshop uniquely brings together both clinicians and scientists in a relaxed forum.

Aifantis, Iannis
New York University
Batista, Luis
Washington University in Saint Louis
Beaudin, Anna
University of Utah
Bigas, Anna
IMIM, Barcelona Spain
Blanc, Lionel *
Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research
Borate, Uma
Carraway, Hetty
Cleveland Clinic
Crispino, John *
St. Jude Children’s
DeZern, Amy
Johns Hopkins
Dick, John
University of Toronto, Canada
Eisfeld, AK
Figueroa, Maria
University of Miami
Filippi, Marie-Dominique *
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Ganuza, Miguel
Barts Cancer Institute, London England
Garcia, Jacqueline
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Ghisletti, Serena
IEO, Milan Italy
Grimes, Lee
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Goodell, Margaret
Baylor College of Medicine
Halene, Stephanie *
Yale School of Medicine
Hidalgo, Andres
Yale University
Hitchcock, Ian
York England
Huang, Gang
University of Texas, San Antonio
Jones, Courtney *
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Jordan, Craig
University of Colorado, Denver
Krause, Diane *
Yale School of Medicine
Landau, Dan
Cornell Medical College and New York Genome Center
Levine, Ross
Memorial Sloan Kettering
Lindsley, Coleman
Dana Farber
Loghavi, Sanam
MD Anderson
Lucas, Daniel *
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Machlus, Kellie
Boston Children's Hospital
Majeti, Ravi
Stanford University
Milsom, Michael
HI-STEM, Heidelberg Germany
Naik, Shalin
WEHI, Australia
Narla, Mohandas
New York Blood Center
Ng, Lai Guan
Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute
Nimer, Stephen
University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center
Papapetrou, Eirini
Mount Sinai
Pulikkan, John *
Versiti Blood Research Institute
Purton, Louise
St. Vincent’s Institute, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Passegue, Emmanuelle
Columbia University
Psaila, Bethann
Oxford University, England
Rodriguez-Fraticelli, Alejo
Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Barcelona Spain
Rothenberg, Ellen
California Institute of Technology
Singh, Harinder
University of Pittsburgh
Socolovsky, Merav
University of Massachusetts
Steidl, Ulrich
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Trowbridge, Jennifer
Jackson Labs
Vyas, Paresh
University of Oxford, UK
Walter, Matt
Washington University in St. Louis
Welner, Rob *
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Xie, Stephanie *
Princess Margaret Cancer Center
Zon, Leonard
Harvard and Boston Children's Hospital
- = full talk selected from abstracts
SHORT TALKS selected from abstracts
Barnes, Betsy
Bhatia, Ravi
Blaser, Bradley
Bowman, Robert
Bryder, David
Buckley, Shannon
Carlesso, Nadia
Chai, Li
Goyama, Susumu
Grieselhuber, Nicole
Hertlein, Erin
Jordan, Michael B
King, Katherine
Lee, Lynn
Lipka, Daniel
Maxson, Julia
Meyer, Sara
Miles, Linde
Milyavsky, Michael
Muntean, Andrew
Paralkar, Vikram
Pear, Warren
Sashida, Goro
Silberstein, Lev
Starczynowski, Dan
Tenen, Daniel
Tikhonova, Anastasia
Tong, Wei
Viny, Aaron
Volk, Andrew
Vu, Ly
Wagenblast, Elvin
8:00 AM
Registration Desk Opens
9:00 AM
SESSION # 1 The “MEGaverse”
– CHAIR: Kellie Machlus
Jarson-Kaplan Theater of the Aronoff Center for the Arts
650 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
(directly across the street from the 21C Hotel)
9:00 AM
1 Psaila
The nuclear genome of megakaryocytes and platelets – from polyploidy to DNA fragments
Beth Psaila, University of Oxford
9:20 AM
2 Hitchcock
Designing thrombopoietin modifications to uncouple its pleiotropic activities.
Ian Hitchcock, University of York England
9:40 AM
3 Machlus
Megakaryocytes present Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II antigen that directs T cell responses in the bone marrow
Kellie Machlus, Boston Children's Hospital
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
SESSION # 2 Hematopoiesis, inflammation, and neutrophils
– CHAIR: Andres Hidalgo
Jarson-Kaplan Theater of the Aronoff Center for the Arts
650 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
(directly across the street from the 21C Hotel)
10:30 AM
4s Carlesso
LPS-mediated severe inflammation redirects bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell cycling and differentiation fate by reshaping their chromatin architecture at long-term
Nadia Carlesso, Beckman Research Institute of City of Hope
10:40 AM
5s Jordan
Deep proteomic analysis reveals shared terminal mechanisms for Familial Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis and Lymphoma-Associated Hyperinflammation.
Michael B. Jordan, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
10:50 AM
6s Barnes
STK25, a new modulator of steady-state and inflammation-induced myelopoiesis
Betsy Barnes, The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research
11:00 AM
7s Silberstein
Neutrophil-derived Sema4A is a non-cell autonomous regulator of emergency myelopoiesis that preserves stemness of myeloid-biased HSC
Lev Silberstein, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
11:10 AM
8s Lipka
Mutant Idh1 blocks neutrophil maturation by repressing myeloid progenitor programs
Daniel Lipka, German Cancer Research Center (DFKZ)
11:20 AM
9 Hidalgo
Mapping neutrophils
Andres Hidalgo, Yale University
11:40 AM
10 Ng
Charting the tumor microenvironment landscape with neutrophils
Lai Guan Ng, Shanghai Immune Therapy Institute
12:00 PM
LUNCH “Lemonade”
“Marble Foyer” (in front of P&G Hall) of the Aronoff Center for the Arts
650 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
(directly across the street from the 21C Hotel)
12:50 PM
LUNCH ENDS: please make your way to the auditorium
1:00 PM
– CHAIR: Lionel Blanc
Jarson-Kaplan Theater of the Aronoff Center for the Arts
650 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
(directly across the street from the 21C Hotel)
1:00 PM
11 Blanc
Irf5 contributes to imbalanced blood production during aging through iron sensing within erythromyeloblastic islands.
Lionel Blanc, The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research
1:20 PM
12 Kalfa
scRNAseq of more than 45,000 erythromyeloblastic island (EMBI) macrophages reveals the heterogeneity of the EMBI niche during baseline and stress erythropoiesis
Theodosia Kalfa, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
1:40 PM
13 Narla
Mechanistic insights into anemia of Myelodysplasia
Mohandas Narla, New York Blood Center
2:00 PM
SESSION # 4 Lymphoid and marrow niche
– CHAIR: Harinder Singh
2:00 PM
14 Ganuza
Genetic-based identification of the cellular interactome that supports T-cell development in the thymus.
Miguel Ganuza, Queen Mary University of London
2:20 PM
15 Rothenberg
Controllers of the emergence of the T-lineage program from a multipotent progenitor ground state.
Ellen Rothenberg, California Institute of Technology
2:40 PM
16 Singh
Expanding the transcription factor motif lexicon of the genome regulatory code
Harinder Singh, University of Pittsburgh
3:00 PM
BREAK “Rice Krispie Treats”
4:00 PM
SESSION # 5 Mapping Hematopoiesis
– CHAIR: Vikram Paralkar
Jarson-Kaplan Theater of the Aronoff Center for the Arts
650 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
(directly across the street from the 21C Hotel)
4:00 PM
17 Lucas
Differential regulation of fetal BM and liver hematopoiesis by yolk-sac-derived myeloid cells
Daniel Lucas, Cincinnati Children's and Medical Center
4:20 PM
18s Blaser
Decoding transcription factor dependent enhancer-gene regulatory networks that define hematopoietic niche function.
Bradley Blaser, The Ohio State University
4:30 PM
19s Paralkar
Regulation of rRNA transcription in the hematopoietic tree
Vikram Paralkar, University of Pennsylvania
4:40 PM
20s Vu
Single-cell and high-resolution mapping of the RNA methylation landscape revealed epitranscriptomic signatures of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell identities
Ly Vu, University of British Columbia
4:50 PM
21 Naik
Resolving the regulators of human haematopoiesis at a clonal level using cellular barcoding, SIS-seq, and a novel in vitro model of multilineage human haematopoiesis
Shalin H. Naik, WEHI Australia
5:10 PM
22 Rodriguez-Fraticelli
Somatic epimutations enable single-cell lineage tracing in native hematopoiesis across the murine and human lifespan
Alejo E. Rodriguez-Fraticelli, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology
5:30 PM
23 DeZern
The MDS patient-centric view of clinical and laboratory science
Sponsored by EvansMDS
Amy Dezern, Johns Hopkins
Hetty Carraway, Cleveland Clinic
Jacqueline Garcia, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Uma Borate, OSUCCC
6:30 PM
WALK across the street to Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center
44 E 6th St, Cincinnati, OH 45202
6:30 PM–9:00 PM
(Lee recreates his favorite food-trend merger: black and purple food + edible floral)
Abstract Guidelines
All abstracts should follow the ASH (American Society of Hematology) format guidelines.
All abstracts should be submitted in Arial, 11-point font with one-inch margins all around.
Posters should be printed to mount on a display board that is 48” high x 93.5” long (roughly 4×8 ft).
All abstracts must be submitted to [email protected] by March 15th, 2024.

21c Museum Hotel, Cincinnati
609 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
(513) 578-6600
Speakers reservation link: Myeloid (Speaker’s) 2024
Non- speakers reservation link: Myeloid 2024
Speakers must use the link above or call the hotel and request a reservation within the “MYELOID2024” room block to get the discounted rate. Make sure that you talk to a 21c Cincinnati front desk associate. Do not let them transfer you to Sofitel registration because Sofitel cannot make reservations in the MYELOID2024 block.
Attention NIH participants: Government rate may be available for Attendees that hold a valid government ID at the time of their stay. Please inquire upon making your reservation.
Speakers reserving rooms outside the block will not be reimbursed.


Explore Cincinnati

Contemporary Arts Center
The CAC is one of the first contemporary art institutions in the United States. It is a pioneering contemporary art museum located in Cincinnati, Ohio. The CAC is a non-collecting museum that focuses on new developments in painting, sculpture, photography, and more.

Cincinnati Art Museum
The Cincinnati Art Museum is one of the oldest art museums in the United States. Founded in 1881, it was the first purpose-built art museum west of the Alleghenies. Its collection of over 60,000 works makes it one of the most comprehensive collections in the Midwest.

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden is one of the oldest zoos in the United States. It opened in 1875, just 14 months after the Philadelphia Zoo on July 1st, 1874. The Reptile House is the oldest zoo building in the United States, dating from 1875.

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Cincinnati Museum Center
The Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal is a passenger railroad station in the Queensgate neighborhood of Cincinnati. After the decline of railroad travel, most of the building was converted to other uses, and now houses museums, theaters, and more.

Fountain Square
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Pyramid Hill
Pyramid Hill is an outdoor museum focusing on monumental pieces of sculpture in an environment of meadows, forests, and various gardens. They also feature a 10,000-square-foot Ancient Sculpture Museum displaying Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Etruscan sculptures thousands of years old.

The Taft Museum of Art
The Taft Museum of Art is one of the finest small art museums in America. A National Historic Landmark built in 1820, the Taft is home to an extensive art collection that includes European and American master paintings, Chinese porcelains, and European decorative arts.
Scientific Issues
H. Leighton Grimes, PhD
Logistic Issues